sometimes..... we dont understand... sometimes we do understand but we should pretend we dont understand..
happy mothers day mommy..! love you so much..
tia kira mcm mna bnyak "sakit" kehidupan sy.. tp tia apa.. buat sy ingat mcm mna sakit n penat ko dan daddy mmbesarkan sy.. tia kira mcm susah khidupan sy skrg.. ya..... kamu jua rasa yg sama time kc besar sy.... i was gratefull for all that i have that you give me... you give me pain for live... i was trying my best to make you happy for the rest of my life.. who cares.. i've felt that way before when you sacrifice your life for your children... its pay back time isnt?
i was gratefull coz u give me a "life" ......
satu hari bekerja yg sangat penat dan satu hari tanpa makan nasi utk simpan sikit duit so that i can send you money everyday... remind sy..yg kamu juga pena rasa hal yg sama time kamu kc besar sy.. atau tia pena?
satu bulan bekerja......
i dont ask for you all to appriciate me... but atlest appriciate duit titik peluh sy yg kamu mnta tiap2 bulan tu.... sy keja penat bha sini....... tia apa lah.... asal sy ada duit bayar sewa and beli sabun mndi okay lah... talan lah smua duit sa... x duit makan pun tia apa... tp guna lah bha bagus2 tu duit......
baru awal bulan ni...... tp sy tau suda ujung bulan sy xda duit suda....... waaa... 250 bukan ckit tu.. sy rasa kamu pun tau kan..... ? fuh......
apa2 pun..... sbagai mana penat otak sy bfikir.. mcm tu jua lah penat sy mau taiiiiiipppppp...... pun tia larat suda..... mcm sa mau teriak jak satu dunia ni....hahahaha......
tp tia apa..... happy mothers day.. hoping and giving the best for you mum..... :) god bless you.. and my dady..and my brothers.. and my younger sister.
Skidding into illicit activities | Music
10 years ago
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