if.... and only if... i have a house.. small house only.... this could be perfect!! kan?? tp ni angan2 jak lah... nnti bila sy ada duit.... i'll make sure i got this.. kan..... ruma idaman saya!! it should be nice.... dari kosong...... turn it to.... beautifull small 'heaven'!! hahaha... for me and only me........... my small and peacefull living!! plan2 buat dia...... err..... no need lcd screen lah bha.. hahaha........:P cheap and affordable!and my small kitchen.... not necessary exactly mcm ni lah bha.. hahahaha..tp cool kan....?and small and simple bedroom...... small bathroom with flowers in it....... a small desk...... for dinner..:P and a big mirror inside my room ...hahahahhaa....... lpas tu... ada stor kecil.. lpas tu ada bilik tmpat release tension.. tmpat baca buku.. tmpat online... tmpat stay2........ best nya!! hahahahhaha......... klu sa ada halaman ruma lg bagus!!!.... hehe... petang2 ni stay... :P lpas tu tanam bunga.. tanam pokok besar..... arrrhh... smua pun cute lah....... aisssssssh....... klu angan2 mmg siok lah bha kan.:P
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