Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Ni satu yg sa mau kc kongsi pasal prempuan.. especially sa lah... haha J well i know myself better bha kan2? Saya (perempuan@girls@woman@wanita dan ect) always guna ini ayat2... example:
This one adalh kata yg slalu girls guna utk menamatkan hujah2 dorang bila dorang rasa dorang betul dan kamu semua (boys) need to shut up! Hahaha.... keep your mouth close and zip lah tu mulut kamurang.. :P ehehehe.... and...... remember don’t ever2 ckap “FINE” utk mngambarkan how they ( the womans ) kelihatan.. sbb.. this will cause you to have one of those ARGUEMENTS. Believe me.

Lima minit??? Guess.... it is equivalent to half an hour..! mcm football matched... yg ada tggl masa lima minit lg masa tamat sbelum kmu kna ready2 pungut smpah n kc bersih sisa2 kamu... so it’s an even trade. If kmu realize and sedar lh. (eeehh.. realize dan sedar????) tell me when this words have the same meaning. Lol..:P


lol... arguements case.... NOTHING means SOMETHING ... and you should be ready and be on your toes.. kekeke.... NOTHING is a common trick la bha tu..:) girls always say NOTHING dgn sengaja mendescribekn perasaan dorang yg kejam yg ingin kamu berasa IN~OUT .. tunggang tebalik n backwards. Haha.. i guess NOTHING is used to signifies that will last for  “FIVE MNUTE”  dan suda tentu akan berakhir dgn “FINE”  hahaha... so girls...... ROFL for us... hehehehe...:)
So boys... if you say GO AHEAD (with your raised eyebrow)

this is dare.. congratulation! Sbb kmu baru saja mmbuat your girls upset and will give you “NOTHING” and end it with “FINE”.!! So.. klu u all.. tia mmg sngaja mau halau gf kamu mninggalkan kamu.. GO AHEAD! Hehe...

Guys... ini bmksud... ( tia kisahlh apa niat kamu) this mean “I GIVE UP” or... “OKAY.. DO WHATEVER BECAUSE I DONT CARE”  dan kamu akan dapat “GO AHEAD WITH RAISED EYEBROW” dan dlm masa beberapa minit... kmu akan dhidangkan dgn “NOTHING” dan seterusnya “FINE”. Tp....... lpas beberapa minit dorang (girls) will talk with you about “FIVE MINUTE” when she cool down.dan “LOUD SIGHS”  bukan satu perkataan atau ayat... tp kenyataan NON-VERBAL yg kamu(guys) slalu salah faham. When girls do LOUD SIGH .. itu bmaksud  “YOU ARE TRUTH REAL FUCKING IDIOT THIS TIME” and thinking why is she standing and argue dgn ko anout “NOTHING"

ONCE again.. its not a words.. but a NON-VERBAL statement. Yg bmaksud dia akan stay remain cool. And the best yg boleh kamu buat is........... stay still and don’t move... and she will stay cooly moody..:
Tell you... this is one of the dangerous  statement that woman can do to you all. “THAT’S OKAY” means she want to think hard and need long time sbelum  SERVE you back for what you’ve done..:D. “THAT’S OKAY” slalu kna guna with the words “FINE” with the “EYEBROW RAISED” as a compliment

DALAM masa beberapa minit in the near future with the same point. You guys akan brada dalam masalah BESAR.! PLEASE DO this is not a statement but an OFFER.  A girls is giving you a change to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay”.


Seorang wanita berterima kasih. Jangan pengsan. Katakan saja terima kasih kembali. THANKS A LOT ini jauh berbeza dengan "Terima kasih." Seorang wanita akan berkata, "Terima kasih A Lot" ketika dia benar-benar ticked of you. Ini menandakan bahawa anda telah menyinggung dia dalam beberapa cara berperasaan, dan akan diikuti oleh "Loud Sigh." Berhati-hatilah untuk tidak bertanya apa yang salah selepas "loud sigh” or you will only "NOTHING"
Peace...\/(^^,) no war.


<<< me!~

<<< me!~