Saturday, 23 April 2011

alot of ahahahaha...


iya.. mentang2 suda sembuh.. perangai pun mcm taee.... hehe
i've been busy for this 2days.. and ni ari sngat2 penat...

sa sedang fikir apa kaler yg cantik bha ni... sa mau cat to shop... hahahaha... must be cool.!! and suppose to be attractive and cute spaya org suka masuk tengo.. kan....?? hehehe...... tp apa colour arh??

i like lawn green...... orange... pale green.. light coral.... magenta...violet.. hot pink.. and i most like crimson.. and much2 more.

tp sa penat bha............................. penat! penat! and sweaty.. yucks.......!


<<< me!~

<<< me!~