i've been busy for this few days sbb ada construction... *construction*?? hahahaha... my sister had made a few renovation to the shop.. and im glad that its over..! then i can have a lot of time writting and typing..:P
bnyak mau kna tulis memandang kan sy suda tskip beberapa hari.. tp.. kc pendek2 cerita jak lah bha kan....
err.. mybe it was on 24th april... sy pnya bro. in law bday.. and kmi p tg. aru beach.... hehe.. jalan2.. and having a small party at nite after supprise party tia jd.. huh..........
and after that.. renovation start.. and sy bussy suda.. nothing to share.. hahahahaha........
apa2 pun............ sa penat~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hari2 blik lmbat and bangun awal... aduiiiiiiiiiii.. mati lah begini ni,....
hopely hari ni last day drg buat tu semua...:)
Skidding into illicit activities | Music
10 years ago
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