Wednesday, 27 April 2011

tanjuang aru beach... 24 april 2011

hanging d tg. aru beach!!

me at the playground..:)

me and the friend...

(jolly sia) :P

my sister and the husband:)

my sister.... jolly.. and me. :)

my sister..:)

hahaha........ beguling2 d pasir:P

hana yong.. my anak buah.


abner yong and hana yong.

budak jajal.....


i've been busy for this few days sbb ada construction... *construction*?? hahahaha... my sister had made a few renovation to the shop.. and im glad that its over..! then i can have a lot of time writting and typing..:P

bnyak mau kna tulis memandang kan sy suda tskip beberapa hari.. tp.. kc pendek2 cerita jak lah bha kan....

err.. mybe it was on 24th april... sy pnya bro. in law bday.. and kmi p tg. aru beach.... hehe.. jalan2.. and having a small party at nite after supprise party tia jd.. huh..........

and after that.. renovation start.. and sy bussy suda.. nothing to share.. hahahahaha........

apa2 pun............ sa penat~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hari2 blik lmbat and bangun awal... aduiiiiiiiiiii.. mati lah begini ni,....

hopely hari ni last day drg buat tu semua...:)

i love you

gary just buy for me a new mp3 player ^^....

yeah.. and i love it so much.....

*thanks dear* :*

and thank you for the great time walking and holding hands...:)

and thank you for the MC-chicken for me to eat.....

and thank you for *everything* you've done yesterday to make me happy...

and im sorry if i ever complaining bout you..:P

take a good care of your healthy okay.^^...

drink alot of water and makesure ur flu get better...


\/(^^) love2,.

Saturday, 23 April 2011


it was something different..

before and now on.... :(

how was it feel like..?
like this.......
so far...

like there was something between us...

but.. i do \/(^^) love ya..... mmuaahx!

alot of ahahahaha...


iya.. mentang2 suda sembuh.. perangai pun mcm taee.... hehe
i've been busy for this 2days.. and ni ari sngat2 penat...

sa sedang fikir apa kaler yg cantik bha ni... sa mau cat to shop... hahahaha... must be cool.!! and suppose to be attractive and cute spaya org suka masuk tengo.. kan....?? hehehe...... tp apa colour arh??

i like lawn green...... orange... pale green.. light coral.... magenta...violet.. hot pink.. and i most like crimson.. and much2 more.

tp sa penat bha............................. penat! penat! and sweaty.. yucks.......!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

bukan pasal apa...

bukan pasal apa2 sa sakit hati.. memang bha sa ni bgini.. mmg ni... marah nda tentu pasal... kan3?

arrghh.. WTF lah.... shit ni..... tia apa lah... forget bout it!

it just nonsense things...........

tapi apa2 pun...... an idiot have brain but they dont know how to use it better.. i guess both me... mmg idiot lah kan2? mengaku jak lah... mmg pun.......


sa tia boleh bfikir suda ni... please mind to do something nice and make me happy once.....

how i hope we will forget how to be ourself only for a day to have a happy day...

if i have to change to have the day without thinking and have a great time i'll forever forget who am i and be the happy gurl.... wasnt it was me? the great pretender.. the 'happy girl' with no tears.... that will be okay and smile even it was hard to accept..

i've been this way for so long that i forgot how to be my own self........ but i was "happy" now.. better than "yesterday"... this is me now....... and it just hard to change any.....

i just............. it just to complicated ...

hope will be easy as soon as possible.

\/(^^) kan....... peace.

demam.. FLU... AND NOW.. MIGRAIN.

21 april 2011 Friday
Argghhh.. mcm sy mau hantuk kpala saya p dinding ooh.... mau tingu mana satu sakit.. migrain kah sakit kena hantuk..? mcm shit ooh... serius!
Mau tidur pun xdpat ni........
Ahh.. suda lah..
*sakit kepala yg mcm bisuk mau mati suda..
* kna flu...
* and demam nda tentu pasal..

Good thing about today..
*saya nda sakit perut!

\/(^^) myoe.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


back to 1971

aku jumpa dia kat satu party.. dia seorang yang pemalu.. seorang yang simple je... and.. tak dinafikan.. dia ada rupa juga la.. ok la... good looking.. but no one was paying attention to him. berbeza dengan aku.... boleh dikatakan zaman kegemilangan la.. menonjol dan menjadi rebutan di kalangan lelaki.

he has nothing special.. dan nampak sangat memboringkan..... tapi... pada akhir party malam tu... dia invite aku untuk duduk dan minum kopi dengannya.. aku sangat terkejut san tak sangka.. tapi... oleh kerana nak jaga standard lah.. nak look polite.. so aku janji akan minum kopi dengan mamat pendiam tu. so... kami pun exchange phone number.

after two days.. saya dapat satu panggilan telepon.. ingat siapa... mamat pendiam tu la. eeiii.. da janji apa boleh buat.. so seperti yang saya janjikan.. lepas jak abis waktu pejabat, kami pun jumpa kat kedai kopi.. mamat tu nervous sangat lah... nak cakap apa pun susah.. pokoknya.. kalau aku duduk lama sikiit kat sana mesti boring gila nak mampos. argghhh...lepas half and hour dok ngan mamat tu... aku da rasa sangat tak selesa da ni.. ditanya sepatah... dijawab sepatah... betul buang masa lah. abis tu aku pun da nak minta diri da ni....
" boleh tak saye balik dulu?"

tapi suddenly... mamat tu panggil waitress...
"yes da nak chaow dah ni"(gerutuh dalam hati).
"boleh bagi saya garam tak? saya nak letak dalam kopi la." kata daniel.

aku da heran sangat da ni. orang kat sekeliling semua tengo mamat tu..... muka da turm merah da. what a strange guy. dan dengan selamba tu je dia bubuh garam tu kat dalam kopi.. kacau dan hirup. OH MY GOD... mamat ni da gila ye?

" hey... awak kenapa letak garam dalam kopi? awak ni pelik lah." aku yang heran ni pun tak segan silu lagi bertanya.

" waktu kecik2 dulu saya tinggal kat dekat laut lah.. saya suka main kat pantai.. saya suka rasa air laut tu.. so everytime saya minum kopi dgn garam ni..saya boleh rasa air laut tu sama macam air kopi ni.. buat saya rindu masa kecik2 dulu.. rindu kat kampung halaman dan kat orang tua yang masih menetap kat sana. saya rindu lah dengan mereka". kata daniel.

aku nampak sebutir cahaya jernih keluar dari mata mamat tu(nangis). aku terharu lah... tu perasaan tulus ikhlas yang lahir dari hati daniel. daniel mesti seorang yang penyayang.. rindukan kampung halaman.. dan ibu bapa. dia seorang yang bertanggungjawap! so.. aku pun start becakap dengan dia. cakap pasal faraway hometome.. pasal family.. dan macam2 lah.

satu cerita dan permulaan yang baik dalam persahabatan kami. so kami pun kerap keluar dating.. dari kawan.. ke hubungan percintaan. makin lama kenal dengan daniel.. aku sedar yang daniel ni... ada semua ciri2 lelaki idaman aku. daniel seorang yang baik hati,panyayang, undestanding and caring. daniel.. aku da jatuh cinta dengan daniel. dia tu baaaaiiiikk sangat.. sehari bagaikan setahun berjauhan. thanks to salty coffee.. dan cerita ni sama jak macam cerita cinta indah yang lain2. alarh... macam cerita donggeng pula! ehehe... tuan puteri da jumpa da dengan putera raja idaman yang baik hati dan tampan tu. dan akhirnya kami berkhawin.. dan aku malissa... setiap petang selepas mamat pemalu a.k.a husband aku balik dari kerja.. akan hidangkan secawan kopi plus garam kat laki aku tu. and i know that he liked it sooooo much.

setelah lama berumah tangga kami dikurniakan sepasang anak kembar lelaki dan perempuan. alson and alssey. daniel sangat sayangkan anak-anaknya. bertanggungjawap terhadap kami sekeluarga.. dan tidak pernah mengabaikan perasaan saya walau sekali pun. walaubagaimanapun.. malang tidak berbau... daniel pun meninggal dunia 40 tahun kemudian. dan meninggalkan sepucuk surat buat aku. dalam surat daniel berkata.:

"sayang ku malissa... daniel minta maaf banyak2.. tolong maafkan penipuan seumur hidup daniel ek? ingat tak kali pertama kita bercakap di kedai kopi dan tentang insiden kopi masin? sebenarnya saya sangat gementar dan nervous pada waktu itu.. daniel sebenarnya ingin meminta gula tetapi oleh kerana sangat nervous saya pun terminta garam. so oleh kerana nak control macho.. saya pun teruskan saja dan tak sangka pula kerana insiden tu lah kita mula bercakap.. menjadi kawan baik... dan seterusnya bercinta dan hinggalh saat ini berkhawin dan dikurniakan alson dan alssey. saya berusaha dan ingin memberitahu lissa tentang kebenaran itu.. tapi saya tidak mempunyai kekuatan untuk berbuat demikian. sebenarnya sayang.. saya lansung tak suka lah kopi masin tu! that was a strange bad taste.! and for the whole of my life i've been drinking the salty coffee since i know you. tapi saya tak pernah sekali2 menyesal sepanjang hidup dengan awak... dan saya sangat sayangkan awak hinggakan saat2 terakhir saya tidak dapat memberitahu awak satu kebenaran yang itu. kalau saya diberikan satu peluang lagi.. saya tetap akan memilih awak untuk hidup bersama... walaupun mungkin awak tidak akan pernah terlintas untuk hidup bersama saya... tapi saya sanggup menipu lagi untuk hidup bersama awak sekali lagi. walau saya terpaksa minum kopi masin sekali lagi dalam seumur hidup saya."

aku sangat terharu... sehingga air mataku membuat surat itu basah. dan sekarang apabila orang bertanya...
"malissa.. apakah rasanya salty coffee itu?"
aku akan memberitahu mereka bahawa coffee masin itu....

love is not to forget but to forgive, not to see but understand, not to hear but to listen, not to let go but HOLD ON!!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Ni satu yg sa mau kc kongsi pasal prempuan.. especially sa lah... haha J well i know myself better bha kan2? Saya (perempuan@girls@woman@wanita dan ect) always guna ini ayat2... example:
This one adalh kata yg slalu girls guna utk menamatkan hujah2 dorang bila dorang rasa dorang betul dan kamu semua (boys) need to shut up! Hahaha.... keep your mouth close and zip lah tu mulut kamurang.. :P ehehehe.... and...... remember don’t ever2 ckap “FINE” utk mngambarkan how they ( the womans ) kelihatan.. sbb.. this will cause you to have one of those ARGUEMENTS. Believe me.

Lima minit??? Guess.... it is equivalent to half an hour..! mcm football matched... yg ada tggl masa lima minit lg masa tamat sbelum kmu kna ready2 pungut smpah n kc bersih sisa2 kamu... so it’s an even trade. If kmu realize and sedar lh. (eeehh.. realize dan sedar????) tell me when this words have the same meaning. Lol..:P


lol... arguements case.... NOTHING means SOMETHING ... and you should be ready and be on your toes.. kekeke.... NOTHING is a common trick la bha tu..:) girls always say NOTHING dgn sengaja mendescribekn perasaan dorang yg kejam yg ingin kamu berasa IN~OUT .. tunggang tebalik n backwards. Haha.. i guess NOTHING is used to signifies that will last for  “FIVE MNUTE”  dan suda tentu akan berakhir dgn “FINE”  hahaha... so girls...... ROFL for us... hehehehe...:)
So boys... if you say GO AHEAD (with your raised eyebrow)

this is dare.. congratulation! Sbb kmu baru saja mmbuat your girls upset and will give you “NOTHING” and end it with “FINE”.!! So.. klu u all.. tia mmg sngaja mau halau gf kamu mninggalkan kamu.. GO AHEAD! Hehe...

Guys... ini bmksud... ( tia kisahlh apa niat kamu) this mean “I GIVE UP” or... “OKAY.. DO WHATEVER BECAUSE I DONT CARE”  dan kamu akan dapat “GO AHEAD WITH RAISED EYEBROW” dan dlm masa beberapa minit... kmu akan dhidangkan dgn “NOTHING” dan seterusnya “FINE”. Tp....... lpas beberapa minit dorang (girls) will talk with you about “FIVE MINUTE” when she cool down.dan “LOUD SIGHS”  bukan satu perkataan atau ayat... tp kenyataan NON-VERBAL yg kamu(guys) slalu salah faham. When girls do LOUD SIGH .. itu bmaksud  “YOU ARE TRUTH REAL FUCKING IDIOT THIS TIME” and thinking why is she standing and argue dgn ko anout “NOTHING"

ONCE again.. its not a words.. but a NON-VERBAL statement. Yg bmaksud dia akan stay remain cool. And the best yg boleh kamu buat is........... stay still and don’t move... and she will stay cooly moody..:
Tell you... this is one of the dangerous  statement that woman can do to you all. “THAT’S OKAY” means she want to think hard and need long time sbelum  SERVE you back for what you’ve done..:D. “THAT’S OKAY” slalu kna guna with the words “FINE” with the “EYEBROW RAISED” as a compliment

DALAM masa beberapa minit in the near future with the same point. You guys akan brada dalam masalah BESAR.! PLEASE DO this is not a statement but an OFFER.  A girls is giving you a change to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay”.


Seorang wanita berterima kasih. Jangan pengsan. Katakan saja terima kasih kembali. THANKS A LOT ini jauh berbeza dengan "Terima kasih." Seorang wanita akan berkata, "Terima kasih A Lot" ketika dia benar-benar ticked of you. Ini menandakan bahawa anda telah menyinggung dia dalam beberapa cara berperasaan, dan akan diikuti oleh "Loud Sigh." Berhati-hatilah untuk tidak bertanya apa yang salah selepas "loud sigh” or you will only "NOTHING"
Peace...\/(^^,) no war.


1989 – saya adalah lepasan graduasi lulusan psikologi.. dan saya telah ditawarkan pekerjaan dia sebuah syarikat. di sana saya mengenali seorang rakan sekerja bernama jun. jun ialah seorang lelaki yang kacak berusia 11 tahun tua dari saya. dia ada seorang yang penyayang dan romantis.. seorang yang berdikari dan mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya. keluarga jun dan saudara yang lain sangat menyukai saya.. bagaimana saya senang berdamping dengan mereka.
1990-jun adalah seorang yang single dan tidak terikat kepada sesiapa.. dan kami telah pun menjalinkan hubungan cinta.. dan saya sangat mencintai jun sebagai mana dia juga sangat mencintai saya. pada akhir tahun 1990 saya telah menerima lamaran jun inging memperisterikan saya. malangnya keluarga saya tidak menyetujui hubungan kami dan tidak merestui saya berkhawin dengan jun.

1991 - pada awal tahun 1991.. orang tua saya telah mengambil tindakan drastik memaksa saya meninggalkan kerja saya untuk memisahkan saya dengan jun. ayah saya yang juga seorang anggota tentera mengancam jun untuk menjauhi saya.. memendekkan cerita.. saya meninggalkan pekerjaan saya dan kehilangan jejak jun. saya meneruskan kehidupan saya dan sedaya upaya menyibukkan diri dengan bisnes keluarga dan cuba melupakan jun.
1994 - pada pagi 2 jun 1994.. saya telah menerima satu telegram daripada anti mary iaitu anti kepada jun.. di dalam telegram tersebut anti mary menyatakan bahawa jun suda meninggal dunia sehari sebelum ( 1 jun 1994). saya sangat terkejut dan tidak percaya.. dan segera menelefon anti mary untuk mendapatkan pengesahan. saya sangat terkeju mendengar pengesahan tersebut. anti mary memberitahu saya bahawa.. ketika saya dan jun berpisah.. jun telah berhenti kerja dan jun sangat kecewa dan mabuk berat setiap malam. jun tidak mempedulikan keadaan tubuh badan dan kesihatan beliau.dan pada 1 jun 1994 jun telah mati mengejut disebabkan pneunomia..
"kau tahu.. jun setiap hari mengatakan bahawa dia masi terlalu sangat mencintai kau. malah pada saat-saat terakhirnya beliau menderita delirium.. jun sangat berharap agar dapat berjumpa untuk kali terakhir dengan kau dan memberitahu kau dia sangat mencintai kau." kata anti mary.

pada hari itu saya meminta kebenaran orang tua saya untuk pergi ke hari pengemubian jun. malangnya orang tua saya yang tidak berperikemanusian itu tidak membenarkan saya keluar dari ruma dan telah mengurung saya. saya hanya mampu menangis dan meratapi kepergian jun secara senyap-senyap di dalam bilik saya. betapa Tuhan saja yang tahu betapa saya ingin meratap wajah jun buat kali terakhir. malah ada satu saat saya mulai meyakinkan diri bahawa jun belum mati.

1995- pada januari 1995, tepat sbelum hari jadi sy... jun melawat sy dalam mimpi... sy berada d hospital dan sedang memakai gaun org sakit.. dan sedang duduk d lantai dan bsandar pada katil tempat tidur. Dan jun dtg..... memakai baju serba putih.. dan dia bkata kpada sy.

Dia menyanyikan saya sebuah lagu kegemaran saya.. menenangkan saya.. dan menyelubungi saya dengan cahaya terang. saya berasa sangat bahagia dan gembira.
tiba-tiba satu suara mengganggu kebahagian saya.. suara itu memanggil nama jun.
"suda sampai masanya saya harus pergi" kata jun
"tapi bagaimana dengan saya jun?" air mata saya mengalir lagi.
“saya akan berada di sini selalu.. dan saya akan menunggu di sana..dan janganlah lupa bahawa saya sangat mencintai anda”

dan mghilangkan diri.. sejurus kemudian.
saya bangun dari tidur dan menangis seharian.... sejak hari itu sya menerima hakikat bahawa jun suda pergi dan meneruskan kehidupan saya. saya akan selalu mengingati bahawa jun ada di samping saya.. dan dia masi setia menunggu saya d sana.
" saya tidak pergi dari kamu.. malah sesungguhnya masih sangat mencintai kamu.. kamu harus menerima hakikat bahawa saya suda mati! tapi tidak bermakna saya suda meninggalkan kamu.. saya akan selalu berada di sisi kamu.. memerhati dan melindungi kamu" kata jun.

air mata mengalir dan jatuh ke pipi sy.......
“sy minta maaf kerna sy tidak mmpunyai kekuatan utk mempertahankan perhubungan kita”


They have been married for two years. He loves literature and often posts his work on the net, but nobody ever reads them. He is also into photography and he handles their wedding photos. He loves her very much. Likewise with her. She has a quick temper and always bullies him. He is a gentleman and always gives in to her.

Today, she's being willful again.

Her: "Why can't you be the photographer for my friend's wedding? She promised she'd pay."Him: "I don't have time that day."Her: "Humph!"

Him: "Huh?"Her: "Don't have time? Write less of those novels, and you will have all the time you need."Him: "I... someone will definitely recognize my work some day."

Her: "Humph! I don't care, you'll have to do it for her!"

Him: "No."

Her: "Just this once?"

Him: "No."

Negotiation's broken. So, she gave the final warning: "Give me a Yes within three days, or else..."

First day, she "withheld" the kitchen, bathroom, computer, refrigerator, television, hi-fi... Except the double bed, to show her "benevolence".

Of course, she has to sleep on it too. He didn't mind, as he still has some cash in his pockets.

Second day, she conducted a raid and removed everything from his pockets and warned, "Seek any external help, and you bear the consequences."

He's nervous now. That night, on the bed, he begs for mercy, hoping that she'll end this state. She doesn't give a damn. No way am I giving in, whatever he says. Until he agrees.

Third day, night. On the bed. He's lying on the bed, looking to one side. She's lying on the bed, looking to the other side.

Him: "We need to talk."

Her: "Unless it's about the wedding, forget it."

Him: "It's something very important."

She remains silent.

Him:"Let's get a divorce."

She did not believe her ears.

Him: "I got to know a girl."

She's totally angry, and wanted to hit him. But she held it down, wanting to let him finish. But her eyes already felt wet. He took a photo out from his chest. Probably from his undershirt pocket, that's the only place she didn't go through yesterday. How careless.

Him: "She's a nice girl."

Her tears fell.

Him: "She has a good personality too."

She's heartbroken because he puts a photo of some other girl close to his heart.

Him: "She says that she'll support me fully in my pursue for literature after we got married."

She's very jealous because she said the same thing in the past.

Him: "She loves me truly."

She wishes to sit up and scream at him "Don't I?"

Him: "So, I think she won't force me to do something that I don't want to do."

She's thinking, but the rage won't subside.

Him: "Want to take a look at the photo I took for her?" Her:

He brings the photo before her eyes. She's in a total rage, hits his hand away and leaves a burning slap on his face.

He sighs. She cries.

He puts the photo back to his pocket. She pulls her hand back under the blanket.

He turns off the light, and sleeps. She turns on the light, and sits up. He's asleep. She lost sleep. She regrets treating him the way she treated him.

She cried again, and thought about a lot of things. She wants to wake him up. She wants to have a intimate talk with him. She doesn't want to push him anymore. She stares at his chest. She wants to see how the girl looks.

She slips the photo out. She wanted to cry and she wanted to laugh.

It's a nicely taken photo. A photo he took for her. She bends down, and kissed him on his cheek.

He smiled. He was just pretending to be asleep.

"You learn to love, not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."


One night a guy dropped his girlfriend at her home.

As they were about to wish each other goodnight at the front door, the guy started feeling a little in the mood. With an air of confidence, he leaned with his hand against the wall and smiling, he said to her

"Honey, would you give me a kiss ?"

Horrified, she replied, "Are you mad? My parents will see us!"

" Oh come on! Who's gonna see us at this hour?"

He asked grinning at her.

" No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?"

"Oh come on!There's nobody around, they're all sleeping!".

" No way, it's just too risky!"

"Oh please, please, I love you so much?!?".

" No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can't!".

"Oh yes you can. Please?"

" No, no. I just can't" " I'm begging you ... "

Out of the blue, the light on the stairs went on, and

The girl's elder sister showed up in her pajamas, hair dishevelled,

And in a sleepy voice she said,

" Dad says to go ahead and give him a kiss, or I can do it. Or if need

Be, mom says she can come down herself and do it, but for God's sake and all of ours....


Monday, 18 April 2011


10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade

The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Senior year

The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day

A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later

Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.


Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

cuaca sngat panas...^^

panas! panas! panas! betul ni sngat panas ooh..... huuu....

itu habuk2 semua bterbangan masuk dlm kdai.. aiya bos.. bila kita mau pasang pintu ni.. huuu... sa kna panas ni.. makin hitam! lpas itu bjirawat lg... arrrrghhh..... makin taruk ni jirawat sia :(

apa2 pun... hehe.... bnyakkan minum air.. whooa.. ini stengah hari saja sy suda habis 1.5 liter mineral water.... but 1 ari atleast kita mesti mau minum 3 liter.. faham!! ( duii..... kili2 ni.. :P .. )

sy kna ajar bha.. msti minum atleast 3 liter air satu hari.. so that kita pnya muka cantik dan ckp collegen... hehe...... spaya kita cantik mcm jessica alba... << naa... perasan lah ni. hehe

tp.... sa boring bha ni cni.. sngat lah bha sy boring.. betul!! btw.. yeah.. kakak sy blik dri kl suda .. yeah2.. pok kna kc beli kasut!!!

inda sabar.. lgpun sa tia tahan suda ni kna buli oleh wo de jie fu...... xda org mauu tolong ni.... heheheheh.... lgpun sa boring tingu muka dia jak ni satu hari..!!


Telefon pertama

org tlepon (X) : Helloooo…. ini ruma lissa kah..??

ama (Y) : maaf ya kamu suda salah talifon.. ini ruma  keluarga YONG…

Telefon ke -2

org tlepon (X) : Helloooo……ini rumah lissa kah..??

ama (Y) : Maaf, salah dail ni, ini ruma keluarga YONG. (serba salah)

Telefon ke -3

org tlepon (X) : Helloooo….

ama (Y) : Eeeh..Lagi2 ko!!.. Awas ya!! Walau saya cuma pembantu, tapi saya bisa laporin kamu ke polisi..!! (marah sangat dah ni!)

org tlepon (X) : boleh sa tnya ini ruma keluarga YONG..ka??

ama(Y) : Aduuuh.. maaf2 yaaa…, tadi soalnya ada beberapa kali salah sambung. Mau cari siapa tuan.??

org tlepon (X) : lissa….

ama (Y) : ??!!@#@$!! (sambil usap2 dada)

Telefon ke -4

org tlepon  (X) : Helloooo…..

ama (Y) : Kurang ajaaar..!!! Kamu punya nyawanya berapa hah!!!

org tlepon (X) : Saya YONG FOOK CHOI…..

ama (Y) : Aduh..!!! Maaf tuan! sorry sekali, tadi ada orang gila telpon! ada perintah apa tuan.??

org tlepon  (X) : Cepat ko panggil dulu c lissa..!!

ama (Y) : Hah..!…. (pengsan)

10minit tia lama sedar dari pengsan,

Telefon ke -5

org tlepon  (Z) : Hallooooo….. (suara ada lain ckit)

ama (Y) : (Oh ini suaranya lain…). Mau cari siapa tuan..??

org tlepon (Z) : ini ruma keluarga YONG??

ama (Y) : Iya betul….

org tlepon  (Z) : Saya lissa… , tadi ada orang cari saya???

ama(Y) : ??@#$%^??… (terkejang!)

this make me smile :)

a walk to remember........

a moment to keep..:)

*hoping the forever and always.
immortallizing it... till the end....:*

macam mana bha ni?

18 april 2011 happy monday

waaa.. dari pagiiiiiiiiiiii.... smpai skrg bha sa mau bt music player! tp nda jua dpat2... suda sa kc kan msti ada problem ni.. kin panas betul ni!! huuuuuuuuuu...:(

satu hari sy duduk d sini.... BORINNNNGGGG betul ooh! mcm sheeett jak ni d sini... ish3.......

tp.. nda lama lg sy akan ada kawan lo d sini.. hehehehe.. syok lah sy ni kan.. sbb kdai sbelah mau buka kdai tlepon suda... :) more place to kacau laini kan2?? wiiiiiiitttt-wiu...

saya BOSAN suda sama facebook ni kadang2.. kin malas ni... sy pnya friend request btimbun suda..... sy nda tau mau approve ka tia sbb sa tia knal.. malas sa....

anyway... apa sy mau buat ni? suda lah ni ari sa kna kc BUDU-BUDU! cilaka ni..........

*errrr... what is taoqi arh???

c TAEEE..!


gary macam taee bha kadang2....mari sy membiarkan diri sy mngumpat dia dulu.. hohoho..(katawa sheeettttttt)

trip2 dulu arh...

muka c gary klu meradang.... probably look like:

gary says.... " you son of a bitch dont look at me or i'll kill you" hahahahahahahaha.........
*dear you really look like this when you stressed?? hahahaha...... and text.. i was "depressed" hahahahahaha......:P (rolling in the floor)

i love walking... and gary kinda 'nervous' being surrounded by unknow people.. probably look like:

* ok this is kinda look scared not nervous.... but... i was thinking bout asking him to do this face.. hahahahahahahaha.....
now wondering how will he look like.. hahahahaha.....

and he is.......:

one in a million poisoneous things.

who~ever and how~ever and what~ever he was....... i love him.... so gila2 bnyak mcm taee yg dia birak... hahahahaha....

ngeeeeeeee...... i was.:

feeling HAPPY and SECURED! hahaha:P

to: melrayner gary stephen john..
:P saja saja mau cari gaduh... hohoho.. JANGAN MARAH2 BHA.... :*
btw... u are idiot.... (then i was c bodoh yg suka c bodoh)
ohyaaa.... muka ko macam taeee....... hahaha..:P

*kidding kiddo.:P

Sunday, 17 April 2011



im so glad you made a time to see me..
how's life? tell me bout your family..
i haven't seen them for a while
you've been good.. busier than ever...
we small talk.. work and the wheather
your guard's up.. and i know why..

bcoz the last time you saw me
is still burned in the back of your mind

you gave me rose and i left them there to die

so.. this is me.. swallowing my pride

standing in front of you saying im sorry for that night
and i'd go back to december all the time

its turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you

wishing that i realize what i've got when you're mind

i go back to december.. turn around and make it alright

i go back to december all the time

this days i haven't been sleeping

staying up playing back my self leaving

when ur birthday passed i didn't call

and i think about summer, all the beautifull times

i watched you laughing from the passenger side

realize i've love you in a fall
and then the cold came

the dark days when crept come into my mind
you gave me all your love

and all i give you was goodbye

so this is me swallowing my pride

standing in front of you saying im sorry for that night

and i'd go back to december all the time
its turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
wishing that i realize what i've got whhen ur're mine
i've go back to december turn around! and make it alright
i go back to december all the time..

i miss your tan skin!your sweet smile, so good to me,so right
and how you held me in yours arms that september night
the first time you ever saw me cry
maybe this is wishfull thinking

probably mindless dreaming

if we loved again i swear i love you right

i go back iin time and change it but i cant!
so if the chain was in your door i nderstand!

* hahahaahahaha... xda kena mngena dgn yg hidup atau yg mati arh.. jan salah faham... i just love this song so much.. :)

trip to kuala penyu.. (3 dec 2010)

sa suka nature bha.... ini sia mau kongsi pasal yg tahun lalu sa p kuala penyu.. sama sa pnya x-bf(ben benedict peter januh) tu.. heee.....apa yg sy cuba kongsikan d sini.. adalah...........

errrrr......... xda apa2... hahahaha....... betul! kuala penyu xda apa2.. pekan dia kecil saja.... tp sa suka jua p sana sbb dia pnya pantai.. lawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ooh.... lawa mcm sy jua... *(tookoooiii perasan mcm taee jua ni) hahahahahaha........

 yg sa hampa ni kan... kmi ambi masa.. emmm ada lah dua jam begitu dari kk.. lpas itu singgah2 lg pekan2 len.. hehe.. sbb sa ni sakai bha.. smua sy mau tingu.. sbb sa suka alam semula jadi dan alam sekitar..... :) tp AMBI MASA BEGITU LAMA utk tingu penyu2 batu sama laut???? WTF.... sudalh an hour with him was like a year....

tp siok bha tu pantai.. so len kali kalau kamu p kuala penyu... kamu p lah d PANTAI SAWANGAN sana arh.. syok angin dia... fuh!! jan lupa bgambar sama itu penyu........

pantai sawangan kuala penyu... siok ni cni bleh nmpak pulau tiga.... lpas tu dia pnya ombak.. fuuyooooooo....... siok lah!!

ini penyu besar ni 'mascot' kuala penyu.. bila suda smpai d kuala penyu kamu akan nmpak ni penyu besar d sana.. ada tiga ekor kah klu tia silap sa.... hehehehe...... yeah! FINALLY SY D KUALA PENYU SUDA!

ini pula d pekan kuala penyu.. time mau balik suda.. sementara tunggu girilan :P giliran kmi nek feri mau shortcut kono ni...kmi p begambar sama itu penyu2 kecil d sana dekat feri....

* actually sy ni kali baru pijak kaki p kuala penyu! huuuuuu...... betul... punya excited mau p.. skali tingu... :( hehe.. but.... sy happy sebab sy akhirnya menyampaikan diri sy p sana.. hehehe....

<<< me!~

<<< me!~