aiyo... lama x blogging ooh..!! hahahaha........ me bored! pnya lama sa try baru sa dpat log in... waaaaaa... haha... hot jua lah... but busy bha mei.. sy p part time lg kan d body shop.. for the nda tau brapa kalinya.. n busy party tiime.. haha..... with my fren n my bf.. ^^.. anyway.. happyy birthday to jefferson au yong! hehe.. thanks for the great food!! ==' u know.. there's several food i never eat before oo.. lol.. apa ooh.. kin panas.!
i'd take a lot of picture btw time2 tia blogging! aiyo.. tp kan.. ==' ni satu hal jua ni...... sy pnya pendrive kan.. aiyo.. itu file yg contain the latest picture smua.. hancuur.. corrupted! ish............ why oo? aiyo.. syg oo.. got piicture i wanna upload lg... mnyesal tia smpan copy dlm camera..syg ooh.. huuuuuu..........
today the second day gary at kl again..==' aiyo melrayner gary stephen john! hari ini maki2 saja... boring smpai sa nda tau mau ckp apa..aish!
air asia pnya service palui bha dia ckp! then pasal phone.. then teksi.. then jammed! dgr jak lah......... hahahaha... tp sy pun nda tau mo ckp apa...
suda lah ada sturang nda pndai faham bahasa d cni.. aiyo.......... ni la ni.. susah!
Skidding into illicit activities | Music
10 years ago
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