Thursday, 23 June 2011


lol... lama suda sa nda blogging.. walaupun hari2 online tp kebelakangan ni nda brapa sihat bha sy.. hehe...

bayangkan yg kemarin2 tu.. mcm mo gila ni sa rasa.. adeii.... bukan mcm mo gila lah..... mcm mo mati!~ hahaha.. sakit gastrik sa.. suda lah before yg sakit malar sakit ni.. demam.. tiba2!~ baru kluar lagi gastrik tu jam4.. nda tau mo cari sepa oh.. yg call org ni nda kena sambut... ya lah.. jam4 ooh.. semua org pun syok layan mimpi suda lo.. hahaha......

waaa.. pastu btl2 xtau apa mo bt suda ni.. yg berserah jak lah.. apa jadi pun jadi lah.. hahahaha.. tapi x jua lah ckp sa nmpak cahay putih... hahaha.. itu bodoh suda tu... gastrik bhua..==' !~ hahaha..

whooaa.... skrg sihat sesihatnya suda ni.. jd sa boleh blogging and post 10 post pun suka hati sy.. jan jak lah sy kena block! hahahaha.... suda lah baru bt blog baru ni.. ngeee..........

Saturday, 18 June 2011

i made it!~

yeah!~ finally i made it.. lol..... i've learn long time ago.. n keep saying to my self.. being honest was the best way ever.. and the result was super nice.. :) see... no need to worry bout being hated! lol.... ^______^ super cool n now i feel relieve n happy.!~ 

bcoz its happenn.. so what happen should be forgot!~ just keep make it till things goin ryte!~
* and please..!~ i wasnt bad as what u have on your mind now okay... hahahahahaha..... * 
*what happen here means THE DECISIONS i'd make... wheter will make me happy or worse or whatsoever that i dont really care.. n honestly!! IDK!! hahaha..but whatever happen the day after today.. result will be just *RITE OR WRONG* lol... we can make wrong things rite when we know how... and i just hope that i know.! WOW.. WHY I DIDNT KNOW HOW?? *HOW COME I DIDNT KNOW HOW* ==' hahaha....

BTW... wish me good luck okay!~ from now on will have more time to be with family... have a talk.. have a friend.. have a life... lead my BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO DISASTER!~ hahaha... no im kidding!~ 

i guess im just a good sister! god i knew that.. i am good anyway.. hahahaha.. n sweet!~ n cutey!~ and everything sounds cute!~ hahaha... im not perasan okay... I AM FULL OF SELF CONFIDENCE!!~~ WEEE.... *self confidence* hahaha.... well done! 

TO THE WORLD... *ME* ... jeez... im back!~ thank god... haha.... no more sad2 okay... ?:) hihihi.... 
*just wanna ask.. (or maybe trying to make you all hate me).. im such a cutey arent me?* hahaha.. 

kidding bhua!~~ ^______^

i love you~

thats when i love you!~ i love you!~ the more i learn.. the more i love..the more my heart cant get enough!~ hahahaha... baby i love you! i love you anyway!~ hahaha..... nothing you do can change my mind~ bla~ bla~ bla~ 

*even a little more this time* 
*even more than you know*
*la~ la~ la~ la~ la~ *
* no matter what *

(^_____^) heeeeee...

Friday, 17 June 2011


hahahaha.. bcoz!~ lol.... okay.. oleh kerana tu buat hal.. sa buat baru..... hahaha.. sepa suru kin panas!~ 

ngeee... but nw done ody.. n im very happy with it..! hahaha.. although not semart as before.. but.. well.. will make something bout it! hahahaha

apa mo buat klu bingung!~ nda tau apa sa mo buat.!~ tp apa2 pun.. itu tia jua pentiing sngat bagi sa.... ==' yg penting sa ada keja.. n so on.. n so from now on and on and on .. ~ *bnyak lah on* hahahahhaha........... me.. have to change my life style...:D

duiiiiii.. *change my life time* lah bha kono... hahahaha... me!~ wee.. will owez be me inside.. alltho... actually... im just the great pretender at all.. im happy n will make me happy!~ yyeahhh~ hidup princess mars..:P 


but WHO will MAKE me HAPPY then?? lol.. zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ!~ 

BTW... got new job...==' but me bingung ody then.. arggh.. dont know which one wanna go.. but.. will give my self a try..~ manatau xdpat smbung study.... ada jua pngalaman dih! ko tggu arh raynita justine peter! haha.... DDR! ko mesti ajar sa smpai sa campin!!~ hahaha.... start on monday. i'll be working with her lah bha ini... ngeeeeeee..... hahahaha....

BTW.. mind to view who am raynita justin peter that i was talking about! =='


nmpaknya... sy balik mumy place there again lo... :) will have much time to hanging lo... hehehehe.... or mybe im not goin to waste my time.. goin to have part time job mybe.. lol.. am i really need that money?~ lol.. sometimes i guess no... but sometimes ya... i will!~~ hahahaha...

wanna buy some things... and go for holiday..~ u know... no one gonna sponsor me for holiday.. so will have my own holiday day!~ :P hahahahaha.... wait for me!!~ will explore sabah!~ hihihi.... 

Thursday, 16 June 2011


okay last nite !!~ betul2.. mcm aish.. sudalh sy pun nda tau mcm mna mo ckp lah.... adeiiiiiiiiii~..... suda lah.. aish.. pastu.. aish..~~ susah sa mo ckp!~ mcm mo tampar org jak ni... =='

tp yg paling penting!!!!~

SEMALAM SY MO BLOGGING BHA!!~~~ god damn it!~ 

tp CELCOM BROADBAND kin panas.... error 619.. error 628..==' !!~ INDA FAHAM BHUA!!~ ishhhhhh.....


suda lah semalam!~ kin panas...!~ 

adakah patut bla~ bla~ bla~ bla~ damn bla~ bla~ bla~! okay.. keep ur mouth shut up!~ ==' malas tul saya.!!

hahahaha~ last2 nite... me happy~ last nite~ suppose to be damn happy~ but in the end!~ i end up feel like shit!~

lets say.. *okay... talking with you make me feel like shit!~ * the things i do totally like piece of shit for you* n so on bla~ bla~ bla~.... * n you know what..? u are annoying* kinda hate you sometimes* why? dont ask why.. mybe u are annoying... or i am born to be annoyed! * okay.. thank you! sekian dan terima kasih ! ==' hohoho..>.< !! wee~

i feel better lepas jalan kaki.. humm.. nda suda sa ksejukan gila babi.. last day.==' smpai pakai sweater lg ooh panas2.... my bro in law pun heran.. demam teruk! now much better.. :) hehhe....

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


sa nda dpat tingu movie==' pnya bagus line broadband ni pun lmbat loading juga! apa ooh.. huuuuuu~

kalau sa tau~ sa nda online td~ hahaha... tp inda apa lah.... puteri sailoormoon dari mars... mmg nda buli tidur awal.. nnti duunia inda aman tanpa ku... dia bilang lah:P ~~ wee.. hahahahahha..

cute! ~ lol....

*good nite* good nite*


baru siap cuci kain dan mndi stengah jam yg lalu.. do3.. melayu! hahahahha.... ~ weeee~~ dont know today i feel really happy! damn happy! padahal last day yg mcm taee ni xda mood.. hahaha......  fuh!~ today! feel better... sakit kpala jak.. tp:) nice day~ hahaha... got commisen lg.! hohohoho.. yong2..

yg nda best a.k.a yg sa paling malas lah klu ada org dtg ganggu hidup sa.. d mana sa siibukkkkk.. d sana jua dtg mnyibukkn saya lg tambah2..~ lol........ bling2.. bling2.. adakh mo bt email pun mo fikir lama2 untuk nama email.. suda tu lmbat betul pick up!~ aiya.. susah bha sy mo ajar.. suda ajar nda pndai2 jua... klu mo belajar senang bha tu.. ==' aishh.~

ada lg satu....yg satu ni... kmarin dtg2 minta baju.. pastu suda sa kc hutang dia... tiba2 mnta duit!~ aiyooooo......... apa mcm ooh.. xda duit jan jalan lah bha..==' alamak.! suda tu misscal2.. klu inda kena layan pndai ni hntar sms mnta call...==' hahahaha.. lucu betul!~ yg paling kin panas tiba2 pndai hntar mms gmbar dia sama bf dia!~ bida bha! ya ampun! ~~ sa pun bnyak gmbar ==' inda heran jua gmbar ko bha................ ish!~ penat sa melayan karena2 kamu org!~ huuuuuuu``~

hahaha.. cute! wo ye ai ni hubby..<3.. hahahha... love~ love~ so divine! last nite me sick so sleep early bha... dont think lain1...==' n whats wrong with the sms with joey jonathan japyus inside it??? o.O did i received the sms or i was dreaming bout it?? wait a second arhh... i go check..:) brb!! gothca!! na kan ada==' apa tu?? i dont understand.. haha.... mamai2 lg sa.. which post n where i did say about that man arh?? lol.. forget it lah.. ngee~ misunderstood liao.. :( huuuu...


argghh,... sy mo gila suda!~ budu ni~.. sa pun xtau apa sa suda buat smpai sa tiia dpat buka sa pnya blog..==' adeiiiiii.. i mean... sa tia dpat "full view" means first page nmpak title jak then tia boleh scroll down.. but second and third page buli pla...

antu betul!~ sa mo gila suda ni nda dpat view blog sa sndiri!~ 

==' last nite!~ demam lg!~ damn pnya sejuk! klu balik keja time malam i was dan freezing==' waaa.......... nda mo bha! nda tahan landing trus.......:P kira mo tengo movie tp inda pula movie siok! bha ni ari cuci kain lah kali.. men sejuk lg.. bagus~~! nda lama jd batu ni.. ekekekke.. dasar spesis kambing!~ ==' takut air pula!~ lol........

ni ari inda pula cbuk men quiz .. sbb td ada kawan dtg.. adeiiiii.. bling2.. ma fan....... ==' susah lah klu inda pndai ckp melayu==' hihih.. oupsss... bukan mo mngumpat~ tukar topic lah..

but.. see ya later back.. wanna start quiz ody..:) hehehe....

bye bye..... \/(^____^) peace!~ 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


thats when i love you

When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you
Just that way

To hear you stumble when you speak
or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you...endlessly

And when your mad cause you lost a game
Forget im waiting in the rain
Baby I love you
I love you anyway

Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough

That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what
So when you turn to hide your eyes
Because the movie, it made you cry

That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time
And when you can't quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes

That's when I love you
I love you more than you know

And when you forget that we had a date
That look that u give when you show up late

Baby I love you
I love you anyway

Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do can change my mind

The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what

That's when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn the more i love
The more my heart can't get enough

Thats when I love you
When I love you
No matter what
No matter what...

arctic monkeys

baby im yours

Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)

And I'll be yours (yours) until the stars fall from the sky,

Yours (yours) until the rivers all run dry

In other words, until I die

Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)

And I'll be yours (yours) until the sun no longer shines,

Yours (yours) until the poets run out of rhyme

In other words, until the end of time

I'm gonna stay right here by your side,

Do my best to keep you satisfied

Nothin' in the world can drive me away

'Cause every day, you'll hear me say

Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)

And I'll be yours (yours) until two and two is three,

[ From: ]

Yours (yours) until the mountains crumble to the sea

In other words, until eternity

Baby, I'm yours

'Til the stars fall from the sky

Baby, I'm yours

'Til the rivers all run dry

Baby, I'm yours

'Til the poets run out of rhyme

(fade out)

angus and julia stone

im not yours

Light me up a Cigarette

And put it in my mouth

Your the only one that wants me around

and I can think of a Thousand reasons why...

I don't believe in you

I don't believe in you and I

Light me up a Cigarette

And put it in my mouth

Your the only one that wants me to die

and I can think of a Thousand reasons why...

I don't believe in you

I don't believe in you...

I am not yours anymore

I am not yours anymore

Nooo, I am... I am not yours anymore

I am not yours anymore

Jump into your warm-mobile and run away

Your always leaving me behind

and I can think of a Thousand reasons why...

I don't believe in you

I don't believe in you and I

I am not yours anymore

I am not yours anymore

Nooooo, I am ... I am not yours anymore


Light me up a Cigarette

And put it in my mouth

Your the only one that wants me around

and I can think of a Thousand reasons why...

I don't believe in you

I don't believe in you and I

I am not yours anymore

I am not yours anymore

I am not yours anymore

bodo lah!~~

im not goin to get into trouble neither gonna have fight with just becoz of *sundae* ~~!!==' pantat btl! klu inda2 lah bha.... aish! cari pasal!~ =='

SEE... this is why i HATE MC-DONALD SUNDAE!~

n SOON u'll SEE why i HATE asking THINGS FROM YOU!~ =='

n maybe VERY SOON u'll see HOW VOLCANO SING!~ =='






Monday, 13 June 2011




process will complete






new home!~

sedang membina kembali istana sa..==' adeii.. pnya penat! hahaha.. baru try2 mndirikan istana mewah sa balik after been kick dari rumah mewah sa..==' kicked! pantat lah... hahahahaha.....

my room now... errr.. to big until i dont know how to arrange my things... hahaha... sa pun xtau itu sesuatu yg mgembirakan atau tidak! hahahaha...~ iya.. too big until my first nite at my new palace sa end up tidur d toilet! gosh... yg bangun ni bingung2...==' hahahaha..... adeiiiiiiii.... macam mana boleh blaku hal sedemikian rupa wahai puteri mars??? ==' huuu..

last day sy oof...*off*day* so means i was at home and got someone accompany me..==' ! "accompany" and help me menyemakkn bilik.. hahaha.. inda pndai cantik ni bilik sa tingu==' hihihi..

but i got my own toilet! ~ lol... n my clothes pun bnyak btimbun blum cuci.... bagus sa dera tu org yg datang kemarin cuci baju sa.. adeii.. lupa... tlampau mnyamakkn keadaan.. n i have beautifull view from my room..:P but at nite.. when alone.. i will never wanna take a look outside.. haha... *inda berani* bha!! >.< !!

hmmmp... last nite was the officially first nite here.. coz the one i sleep inside the toilet was damn stupid so... lol... i will considered it as..... * non count*!! LOL.!

BTW! i wash you!:* hihihi..... urghh... today busying my self play quiz with some fren at the group that ic created with some frens helping me..:) so nice!~ to have some space for our self. lol.. i think so lah......

hmmmp3..~ bha... \/(^^,) peace!~ nitey nite!

Friday, 10 June 2011




==' nie ari ni lappy mmg BETUL2 cari PASAL!! **** naaa... ish.. damn real annoying ni.. alamak! apa mcm ooh..............

==' ==' ==' ==' ==' ==' ==' sa pnya bakal2 tuan rumah sms suda==' alorha... but my dear come back from kl ody i think no problem to move out bsuk.:) heeeeeee.....

buut ask me to pay but kunci blum tau lg dia bagi ka inda ni.. hahaha...:) naaa.. harap2 lah... klu begini bnyak barang mo p beli lah ni.. gaji blum masuk lg..

lepas bayar ni sewa trus inda ada tusin maa.. hahahaha... tp inda apa lah... ada jua..:) inda lama lg gaji mo masuk:)

thanks to you..:) ******************************* now i get what i want! la~la~ la~

btw!! pnya BUUSY kono ni ari..==' got create one group kan last day.... tot for panjang2 pnya post jak bha tu.. coz i said wanna play teka teki.. tp klu d wall tlampau pnjang nda dpat post.. create group.. inda sangka2.... ==' busy tahap lappy hang. hahahahaha..............

fuh! so today need to packing lah ni!~ duh!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

hallo^^ ....

aiyo... lama x blogging ooh..!! hahahaha........ me bored! pnya lama sa try baru sa dpat log in... waaaaaa... haha... hot jua lah... but busy bha mei.. sy p part time lg kan d body shop.. for the nda tau brapa kalinya.. n busy party tiime.. haha..... with my fren n my bf.. ^^.. anyway.. happyy birthday to jefferson au yong! hehe.. thanks for the great food!! ==' u know.. there's several food i never eat before oo.. lol.. apa ooh.. kin panas.!

i'd take a lot of picture btw time2 tia blogging! aiyo.. tp kan.. ==' ni satu hal jua ni...... sy pnya pendrive kan.. aiyo.. itu file yg contain the latest picture smua.. hancuur.. corrupted! ish............ why oo? aiyo.. syg oo.. got piicture i wanna upload lg... mnyesal tia smpan copy dlm camera..syg ooh.. huuuuuu..........

today the second day gary at kl again..==' aiyo melrayner gary stephen john! hari ini maki2 saja... boring smpai sa nda tau mau ckp apa..aish!

air asia pnya service palui bha dia ckp! then pasal phone.. then teksi.. then jammed! dgr jak lah......... hahahaha... tp sy pun nda tau mo ckp apa...

suda lah ada sturang nda pndai faham bahasa d cni.. aiyo.......... ni la ni.. susah!

<<< me!~

<<< me!~