ya it does matter!! it does really matter.....
myb it was joke!! but sometimes we do meant it.. arent we??
not all people can say the truth bout how their feeling was...
but they do can tell n share bout it in various way...
we keeping in touch..
we dont want to ruin such a beautifull friendship....
i do not want to...
gotta keep the wall between us..
gotta go sometimes..
coz friends even best friend will normally
gone for a days.. a weeks... a months... sometimes a years..
before they make it up back...
i just wanna make it stay last longer...
i do wanna stay forever like this..
bout i do know my self better than you..
n i know how hard it would be for me..
keeping it inside.. even somedays will break the truth out loud..
it does matter..
but sometimes matter things makes we have to make it to be the things that doesnt matter at all....
we human.... we protect our heart..
mybe u wont cry today.... but it doesnt mean u wont tomorrow..
it was fucking idiotly passed through ur mind
n u just simply say DAMN!
could it be easier to make the matter thing that make u feel damn to a 'doesnt matter thing that will make those damn feeling stay out from u'????
sometimes we dont understand why...
thats why we always wondering why..
thats why there was a reason for all thing that happen..
if there was a things that you all dont wanna it to go away from you....
you dont want to lose it.... and you want it forever stay close..
why dont just say "dont go.. i want you near"
or "please stay"..
not everyone can understand each other..
just like... i dont understand what u're thinking..
n u dont understand mine thingking..
but both are trying to understand.. but no one wanna teach you how to understand their self..
its make people missunderstood each others...
sometimes people fight...
but the type of of person i am was....
we'll fight today..
n make it up again tomorrow..
isnt its good... to shout out each others on the day before
the morning you wake up n send a good morning text..
and we each other laughing on that nonsense things
that we mad at..?
if i had ever say i'll go... dont be down people..
i told you early.. so that you can try to make me stay...
or should i said...
"if you dont want me to be gone... then please make me stay.."
but please dont ask me to stay.. coz i'll ask why i should stay....
n u'll never got the truth answer...
then making such words you promises..
a promises that u'll break!
dont ask me to.. but make me to...
but sometimes..
there's people who wait until the things gone...
then wait.. n do nothing... n regret..
there's people who just plan to make it but the things suddenly gone..
gosh!! we dont know how long the oppurtinity will stay..
dont waste the time given.....
sometimes.... being straight to the point helps alot...
coz not everyone can get what u mean from the way u act...
or.. from the words you say..
or.. from the things you do..
Skidding into illicit activities | Music
10 years ago
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