they could never understand why i had become a "dropout", as they termed it. in the neat trajectory of their well-trimmed life, i suppose i was their only real failure. okay everyone would say i was a total useless daughter. but do they actually know? i might be one.. neither u or everyone else know.. so what's the point of saying something u actually have no idea with it.?
i didn't choose for my life to turn out like this. i never plan like this. :) but it is actually the past and i am proud for what i am now. being here all by my own... no one know how hard it was to be here.. how hard i tried. and life had teaches me too much that my brain a bit older than the rest at my age... but i guess it was the bless.~ i'd made the right decision.. and behind all the things happen in my life.. i know.. my folks are actually very proud of me.
i had wanted "freedom" from my over-protective parents and the dull aspirations they represented, but somehow had become ensnared in dreary responsibility. although flooded with all the pleasure they could give, but since the beginning, I have decided to get anything I want and with my own efforts. even though what they can give are better than what i got by my own but there's something about it make its worth it. learning to be independent wasn't that easy at first, but with perseverance and a desire to build a house using my own column,I finally stand like this. despite having well doing life. i'd live the destruction but i'd never assume the experiences as disaster, but a practical way of learning. and all these experiences made me appreciate my parents even though until now I never feel enough affection! never satisfied with small portion of love i got. even though being alone and being away from family is a normal life for me but all the distance is actually watering the seeds of "wanted" to be comforting familiarity in me that's when sometimes I am lost in my own feeling. how i miss to be home and being pampered.
i want to live my life in where the sun was always shining and no one defined me by what i did or what was my background is.
as the wind play my hair i can feel the soft touch of it on my face. i couldn't remember why i'd ever move away and returned. choosing of returning but not actually home, as to escape the person i was becoming. people on my point of view changing from positive to negative then turn to positive depends on how much they had take the negative in process of learning.
"the more u get through , the more u earn" ~ i had nodded earnestly at this injunction but in reality i actually don't understand any. "it was just an experience, and today was just another day" back to first. :) i was soooooooo stupid. ~
i guess i learn much better now. ~ and i miss mommy so much.~ im goin home for christmas....:) its holiday soon. enough with memories.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
from the hidden~~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 00:03 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Friday, 16 December 2011
someday somewhere..~
uuuhhh~ touching sy!~ td balik rumah nda sempat lagi jumpa mommy ni... rindu!!!!!~ sangat! hahaha.. miss u mommy.. nda pa lah.... seminggu jak lagi cuti christmas. :)
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 10:31 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Monday, 12 December 2011
things i'd tried to hold on to.~
The most destructive habit....WORRY.!~
The greatest joy.............GIVING!~
The greatest loss...LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT.!!~
The most satisfying work...HELPING OTHERS!~
the ugliest personality trait...SELFISHNESS!!~
The most endangered species...DEDICATED LEADERS!!~
our greatest natural resource...OUR YOUTH!~
greatest "shot in the arm"...ENCOURAGEMENT!~
greatest problem to overcome...FEAR!~
most effective sleeping pill...PEACE OF MIND!~
mots crippling disease...EXCUSES!~
most powerful force in life...LOVE!~
most incredible computer...BRAIN!~
worst thing to be without...HOPE!~
deadliest weapon...THE TONGUE!~
2 most power-filled words..."I CAN" !!~
greatest asset...FAITH!~
most worthless emotion...SELF-PITY!~
most beautiful attire...SMILE!~
most prized posession...INTEGRITY!~
most contagious spirit...ENTHUSIASM!~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 19:10 0 comments
Labels: poem
for dreams that turns to memory.~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 18:54 0 comments
Labels: poem
tough times don't last! tough people do~~
people get through different path in life~ everybody has their own problem in different way~ so there's no use of comparing who suffer the most.!~ well tough times do not last! but tough people do.~ some people are strong enough to walk away but they are damn broken enough to look back. but we our self need to motivated our own self..~ that its not just because we see our self worst enough then people will look just the same way..~ different people with different thinking... i wondered what was the possibility of having totally all the same? the hardest come first for better later~ rains comes before sun show up~ when its comes that way there a rainbow behind it smiling looking towards you..
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 08:37 0 comments
Labels: my activities
the benefits of reading (among students)
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 05:01 0 comments
Labels: consolidating language skill:)
Friday, 9 December 2011
happy birthday!~ my sweet 19~
okay.. so now we're goin to talk about my bday.. which is... nothing to talk about~ haha... SERIOUSLY.! i didn't celebrate my bday~ i was at the library freezing to death!~ ALONE~ and i guess that wasn't a new thing so nothing would be so interesting here:)
i am gratefull enough that i have a mother who able to sent a simple text message sound "happy birth day" with un-correctly spelled. i got my biscuit for my birthday. lol.. thats sound funny but u DON'T KNOW HOW BLUE I AM!!!~ and im not goin to talk bout that.
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 05:45 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
life like waterfall:)
Life is a waterfall,
we're one in the river,
and one again after the fall.
Swimming through the void
we hear the word,
we lose ourselves,
but we find it all...
Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.
And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose.
Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.
Life is a waterfall,
we drink from the river,
then we turn around and put up our walls.
Swimming through the void,
we hear the word,
we lose ourselves,
but we find it all...
Cause we are the ones that want to play,
always want to go,
but you never want to stay.
And we are the ones that want to choose,
always want to play,
but you never want to lose, ooooo.
Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
when you free your eyes,
eternal prize.
Aerials, in the sky,
when you lose small mind,
you free your life.
Aerials,so up high,
when you free your eyes,
eternal prize
oooooooooo , ooooooooooo
a lot of their songs seemed to be based off of how they feel about things.
when they say
Life is a waterfall
We're one in the river
and one again after the fall
The lyrics rush you with several meanings at once.
Life is a waterfall, what do we notice about waterfalls?
They fall downwards, so life brings us down. Isn't it true? The actual reality of the things that go on in the world, murders, rapes, death, it can really bring you down if you acknowledge them. Another thing about a waterfall is that it never exists on its own, it always has a source, like a river or a stream. So if a waterfall is the acknowledgement of the terrible things in the world and letting it bring you down, what could the river be? The time before you realize what goes on in the world, often times this is your childhood. So when we're one in the river, and we're one again after the fall, it shows we are ourselves before and after the reality if life hits us and brings us down. Is that true for everyone? No, but think about it. When we were living as children with not a worry in the world, we were ourselves. Then once we began figuring out how the world worked and what happens in the world, we probably had a time of inner conflict where we had to figure things out, and after we figured/figure it out can adjust to it and find ourselves again.
Swimming through the void
we hear the words
we lose ourselves
but we find it all?
I'm going to skip to the second line to help you understand the first later.
We hear the words, we lose ourselves but we find it all. Well when we hear the words, we are being told or educated something. Following up on the previous meaning, we are probably finding out about the reality of life. After we find out about life, we lose ourselves but we find it all, which means we are given the full picture of what's going on, so we find out about everything (or do we? that's why there's a question mark there). So this part is describing the actual fall of life.
So what is the void?
Since we are still swimming through the river of life, the void is the place right "before" the fall. It is the image of life and what we believe to be true that we are living out before we actually know, and then we "hear the words" (are educated about what really goes on in the world) and then the "fall" takes place while we deal with what we have found out.
Cause we are the ones that want to play
always want to go
But you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose
always want to play
but you never want to lose.
this describes our nature during our time in the Void or before the actual fall takes place. These descriptions of who we are is what makes the fall so devastating to us.
Cause we are the ones that want to play:
we don't want to have to take things seriously, we want to just have fun and be kids, without responsibility, and living in happy ignorance.
When reality hits us, we can no longer "play" we have to "work" and "survive".
Always want to go, but you never want to stay.
Humans in general are never really satisfied, we always strive for more and we always want.
we always want to go out and try to gain what we want, but we never stay satisified with it.
When reality hits us, we can't always get what we want and sometimes we do have to try and stay with what we have.
and we are the ones that want to choose
Humans want to be in control generally, and we want to choose for ourselves and sometimes others. When reality hits us, we don't always have this kind of control and we don't always get to choose what we get or what happens to us.
we always want to play but we never want to lose
this is a given, who wants to lose at anything? but when reality hits us, what happens? we find out that sometimes we have to lose, we can't win everything.
So those lines described us in the void.
Aerials in the sky
When you lose small mind
You free your life.
Aerials are just things in the sky. Basically this part is saying, think big, don't think with a "small mind", think about the big picture, and it will free your life.
Life is a waterfall
we drink from the river
then we turn around and put up our walls
life is a waterfall just shows us that we are speaking of the river AFTER the fall at this point. We drink from the river, then we turn around and put up our walls. So we experience life now knowing what it is like since we are after the falls and we have experienced life, so instead of accepting it, we turn around and put up our walls. For those of you that don't know, walls in psychological terms is rejecting or blocking something out to protect yourself. In this case we are protecting ourselves against life, after tasting what it's like after gaining an understanding of it, so this stanza or whatever its called just shows us what we think of life knowing what it is now. This is probably before we are ourselves again, what we are like before we adapt to life's reality and become ourselves again.
Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.
Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.
This is just saying the same thing as before, think big rather than thinking with a small mind. Think of the big picture. Think as big and tall as the aerials in the sky. Adapt to life knowing what it is, now that you have gained the new understanding
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 01:21 0 comments
Labels: poem
accountingg concepts~ my summary:)
business entity concepts:~ the concept that profit is the difference between revenue and expenses.
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 01:02 0 comments
Labels: introduction to accounting
hi there,
here i am again~ haven't updating since a few day i was busy concealing my self from my unseen-able enemy.~ i was so tired this few day.. i start to think think think unnecessary things again.. i don't know why when and what had cause this~ but im totally losing my way back!~ i just so confused by my self and maybe i was so bored or whatsoever~ and im trying to make my self busy:) ending up in the library~ doing my habit. i seriously haven't read any books ( i mean~ "books" that other than ACC106 MGT162 MAT112 IDA102 BEL120 )~ i become less talking people again.. its turning to the other side of me which is pretty silent~what should i do? its like i cant see nothing! hear nothing! and its seems like i didnt talk any? or maybe i need to be a blind person so that i can see what i can't see.. maybe i need to be deaf so that i can hear what i can't hear.. and maybe i need to be dumb so that people can hear what i want to talk .. because they seems can't hear me:)~ at all. im trying to call my "happy-go-lucky-girl-me" to come back.~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 00:19 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Monday, 5 December 2011
After leaving you
I did not gain anymore freedom
The bitterness of the air
Sensing our distance
A scene of a heartbreaking ending
Like breathing, unable to stop
The yellowed diary in the drawer
Pressed dry our own memories
That smile is summer
Our past
Has been forgotten as time goes by
A love that lacks oxygen
Tears without care are unnecessary
We just forgot to step back
We made ... promises to each other
Yet they become empty with time
It's just letting go would make it easier
(but) The most beautiful love will continue in my memory
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 08:09 0 comments
Labels: poem
Saturday, 3 December 2011
introduction to concepts and conventions of accounting:)
various accounting principles and concepts.
introduction: ~BOOKKEEPING(process of recording data) is based on a system called double entry system:) (debit/credit). in accounting a certain guidelines or rules must be followed before the final accounts prodeced. (means that in accounting there's a fixed format)
basic accounting concepts:)
~there's few concepts in accounting.
which is:
- entity concepts:Basic accounting principle under which a business ororganization is deemed as an entity in its own regard, separate from its stockholders (shareholders), managers, or proprietor. Also called entity assumption. ~the items recorded in a business's book are limited to transaction that affect the business only. the record and reports should not include either transaction or asset that other than the business.
- goin concern:The 'going concern' concept in accounting is an assumption that the business will continue to exist for the foreseeable future. Accountants adopt the 'going concern' concept so they can prepare realistic financial reports. Without the 'going concern' concept, accountants would have to write off all assets in the current period including long term assets that still have an economic benefit for future periods.(Financial statements are prepared assuming that the company is a going concern which means that the company intends to continue its business and is able to do so.)
- money measurement/monetary unit assumption:Accounting is the language of business and numbers are its letters. Through accounting we can communicate only those accounting transactions and other events which can be expressed in monetary units. This is called monetary unit assumption.One aspect of the monetary unit assumption is that currencies lose their purchasing power over time due to inflation, but in accounting we assume that the currency units are stable in value. This is alternatively called stable dollar assumption.(monetary unit is the most effective means of expressing to interested parties changes in capital, and exchanges of godds and services.)
- periodicity/accounting period:Although businesses intend to continue in long-term it is always helpful to account for
their performance and position based on certain time periods because it provides timely feedback and helps in making timely decisions.Under time period assumption,we prepare financial statements quarterly, half-yearly or annually.The income statement provides us an insight into the performance of the company for a period of time. The statement of cash flows and the statement of changes in equity provide detail of how the company's financial position changed during the time period. - historical cost:Accounting is concerned with
past events and it requires consistency and comparability that is why it requires the accounting transactions to be recorded at their historical costs.This is called historical cost concept.Historical cost isthe amount of resources given up to acquire the asset or consume the service or the amount of liability incurred.In subsequent periods when there is appreciation is value, the value is not recognized as an increase in assets value except where otherwise required by the standards. example:100 units of an item were purchased one month back for $10 per unit. The price today is $11 per unit. The inventory shall appear on balance sheet at $1,000 and not at $1,100. - consistency:in accounting this concepts deals with the consistent use of ACCOUNTING BASIS for METHODS. FOR EXAMPLE:once a business has adopted the straight line method,this method should be used both within one accounting period and from one accounting period to another.
- accural/matching concepts:Business transactions are recorded when they occur and not when the related payments are received or made. This concept is called accrual basis of accounting and it is fundamental to the usefulness of financial accounting information.In order to reach accurate net income figure the expenses incurred in earnings revenues recognized in a time period should be recognized in that time period and not in the next or previous. This is called matching principle.
- realization/revenue recognation principal:Revenue recognition principle tells that revenue is to be recognized only when the rewards and benefits associated with the items sold or service provided is transferred, where the amount can be estimated reliability and when the amount is recoverable.Accrual basis of accounting is used in recognizing revenue which tells that revenue is to be recognized ignoring when the cash inflows occur.
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 19:05 0 comments
Labels: introduction to accounting
help me!!

somebody please help me! coz i am really down~ lift me up off this wet uncomfortable ground please? teach me the right thing coz everything seems wrong. HELP ME TO STAY STRONG!~
SOMEBODY please take my hand and walk with me.~ show me what i should do... bring me to the right way. show me what i shud be now?
i am so down now and seems like no one had care.~
where are you mommy?
where are you daddy?
i can live my independently life but i can't be alone..
i can live my own but i might need help sometimes.
where are you?
my sweet friends?
when i need the most?
why dont u guys take my hand~
i wanna stay close~
i feel really down now...
where are you now guys.?
why don't you show up? ~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 16:05 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Friday, 2 December 2011
HEHE... okay here now let me tell u how was the feeling of being single..
its fun ya.! but it is bored as well...
sometimes u'll have this "whatwasthephoneusedfor" thinking.. and its damn shit... ahahahha...
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 01:36 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Thursday, 1 December 2011
a) It is a noun which is for things we can count.
Examples of countable nouns: table, bag, school
We can say: one table, two tables... one bag, two bags...
b) It usually has a plural form:
Examples: table > tables | bag > bags | school > schools
a) It is a noun which is for things we cannot count.
Examples of uncountable nouns: tea, sugar, water, air, rice.
b) Uncountable nouns are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.Examples: knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.
Examples: we cannot say
d) We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, we use a word or expression like:
some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...
They've got a lot of furniture.
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 07:21 0 comments
Labels: consolidating language skill:)
:) simple interest
i'd do some revision with my friend tonite... :)i mean just now.. i am glad that i slowly get used to this environment:) get socialize with some classmate so that i can survive in here... thanks God that he give me this chance to be here and i hope i can stay here.. i hope i can chance my and my family future as well.....
i am finally feeling better day by day.. family seems to be more concern bout me.. i mean they'd finally take the responsibility to helping me out instead of hoping me to survive my own. even i'd learn to live independently, i admit that there's sometimes i blame them for just letting me. but i guess now... my love for them had already expanded.:)
i'll prove that i can do this my self! ~ i would like to make both mummy and daddy feel proud that they had daughter like me. once again i admit that i'd never satisfied with what i'd give or proved. well.... i want when they talk about me to their friend they will said it proudly.
so.... that the story for today. and i guess i should sleep by this time because i have class with sir ammirul tomorrow morning and i don't wanna look tired cause my face look blur enough.
i'd being closer to some of my classmate ( sury and linda ) today.. and i hope i can get even closer to everyone inside the classroom soon.. :)
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 07:00 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
abstrack nouns.
a noun(such as courage or freedom)that names an idea,event,quality, or concept. that contrast with concrete noun.
example and observation
- "love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."(Robert Frost)
- "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties."
(Erich Fromm) - "Men say they love independence in a woman, but they don't waste a second demolishing it brick by brick."
(Candice Bergen) - "When love is gone, there's always justice.
And when justice is gone, there's always force.
And when force is gone, there's always Mom.
Hi, Mom!"
(Laurie Anderson) - "More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
(Woody Allen, "My Speech to the Graduates") - "Abstract and concrete are usually defined together or in terms of each other. The abstract is that which exists only in our minds, that which we cannot know through our senses. It includes qualities, relationships, conditions, ideas, theories, states of being, fields of inquiry and the like. We cannot know a quality such as consistency directly through our senses; we can only see or hear about people acting in ways that we come to label consistent."
(William Vande Kopple, Clear and Coherent Prose. Scott, Foresman, 1989) - "Although abstract nouns tend to be uncountable (courage, happiness, news, tennis, training), many are countable (an hour, a joke, a quantity). Others can be both, often with shifts of meaning from general to particular (great kindness/many kindnesses)."
(Tom McArthur, "Abstract and Concrete." The Oxford Companion to the English Language, 1992) - "I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy--but that could change."
(Dan Quayle)
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 17:57 0 comments
Labels: consolidating language skill:)
im goin off.~
gud nite everyone.:) have a very good nite..:)
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 07:54 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
sucessfully become a student:) i mean again.
fuh!! its had been a long time since i stop blogging... and now i came with new story..:) i am glad to tell everyone.. that i'd finally successfully slowy achieving my dream....
that i am now one of the million university student.. and there's nothing greater than this after all i've done.. after all my hardworking for this. ::)
i am happy but yet i am not satisfied! i'll make sure when i graduated from here.. i will be someone. no matter how hard it was rite now... i will..... bear it. just for a "while more" :)
so my friends... ?
support me ea?
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 18:36 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
sick!!~ II
days ago, when I was pretty sick with a bad flare-up of heartache and headache!~ catch cold..with the feeling unable to leave the house.. i wake up late take bath and walk to work!~ there a few moment that i hope i dont need to walk!~ lol... theres no either one friend or family of mine would call once in a while to say, “im goin out.. Can I buy some food for you?”simple offer that could filled me with love. but well.. i was alone.. n im used to it! hahaha.....i wonder if someone call me.. talk to me sometimes i'll not feel this "lonely" lol... sweet loneliness!~ but i guess being take care of.. hmm....
so i have my "not really well damn" day with loneliness!~ pain!~ bitter..!~ lol..~
since i hated medicine so much!!~ i wont take any.. i prefer water alot.. alot alot! but good things bout being sick was... sleep early and think less.!~ hahaahaha..
no medicine!!~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 23:52 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost!~
the way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost..:)
lost!~ should i let you in my heart!~ wishing that i can have and keep you forever? la~ la~ la~ .. hahahaha....
why did i do that? yeah..
thousand reason to make we hope.... and thousand things can break it tho... irrisistible desire to be irrisistible desire..!~
theres a feeling that i dont know how to describe.. something icy then turns to salty!~ err.. sweet.. bitter then salty!!~ salty!~ and i dont like even 1 things bout this feeling..~ poet!~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 23:07 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Thursday, 23 June 2011
lol... lama suda sa nda blogging.. walaupun hari2 online tp kebelakangan ni nda brapa sihat bha sy.. hehe...
bayangkan yg kemarin2 tu.. mcm mo gila ni sa rasa.. adeii.... bukan mcm mo gila lah..... mcm mo mati!~ hahaha.. sakit gastrik sa.. suda lah before yg sakit malar sakit ni.. demam.. tiba2!~ baru kluar lagi gastrik tu jam4.. nda tau mo cari sepa oh.. yg call org ni nda kena sambut... ya lah.. jam4 ooh.. semua org pun syok layan mimpi suda lo.. hahaha......
waaa.. pastu btl2 xtau apa mo bt suda ni.. yg berserah jak lah.. apa jadi pun jadi lah.. hahahaha.. tapi x jua lah ckp sa nmpak cahay putih... hahaha.. itu bodoh suda tu... gastrik bhua..==' !~ hahaha..
whooaa.... skrg sihat sesihatnya suda ni.. jd sa boleh blogging and post 10 post pun suka hati sy.. jan jak lah sy kena block! hahahaha.... suda lah baru bt blog baru ni.. ngeee..........
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 21:55 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Saturday, 18 June 2011
i made it!~
yeah!~ finally i made it.. lol..... i've learn long time ago.. n keep saying to my self.. being honest was the best way ever.. and the result was super nice.. :) see... no need to worry bout being hated! lol.... ^______^ super cool n now i feel relieve n happy.!~
bcoz its happenn.. so what happen should be forgot!~ just keep make it till things goin ryte!~
* and please..!~ i wasnt bad as what u have on your mind now okay... hahahahahaha..... *
*what happen here means THE DECISIONS i'd make... wheter will make me happy or worse or whatsoever that i dont really care.. n honestly!! IDK!! hahaha..but whatever happen the day after today.. result will be just *RITE OR WRONG* lol... we can make wrong things rite when we know how... and i just hope that i know.! WOW.. WHY I DIDNT KNOW HOW?? *HOW COME I DIDNT KNOW HOW* ==' hahaha....
BTW... wish me good luck okay!~ from now on will have more time to be with family... have a talk.. have a friend.. have a life... lead my BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO DISASTER!~ hahaha... no im kidding!~
i guess im just a good sister! god i knew that.. i am good anyway.. hahahaha.. n sweet!~ n cutey!~ and everything sounds cute!~ hahaha... im not perasan okay... I AM FULL OF SELF CONFIDENCE!!~~ WEEE.... *self confidence* hahaha.... well done!
TO THE WORLD... *ME* ... jeez... im back!~ thank god... haha.... no more sad2 okay... ?:) hihihi....
*just wanna ask.. (or maybe trying to make you all hate me).. im such a cutey arent me?* hahaha..
kidding bhua!~~ ^______^
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 01:34 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
i love you~
thats when i love you!~ i love you!~ the more i learn.. the more i love..the more my heart cant get enough!~ hahahaha... baby i love you! i love you anyway!~ hahaha..... nothing you do can change my mind~ bla~ bla~ bla~
*even a little more this time*
*even more than you know*
*la~ la~ la~ la~ la~ *
* no matter what *
(^_____^) heeeeee...
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 00:40 0 comments
Friday, 17 June 2011
hahahaha.. bcoz!~ lol.... okay.. oleh kerana tu buat hal.. sa buat baru..... hahaha.. sepa suru kin panas!~
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 11:15 0 comments
Labels: my activities
apa mo buat klu bingung!~
duiiiiii.. *change my life time* lah bha kono... hahahaha... me!~ wee.. will owez be me inside.. alltho... actually... im just the great pretender at all.. im happy n will make me happy!~ yyeahhh~ hidup princess mars..:P
but WHO will MAKE me HAPPY then?? lol..
BTW... got new job...==' but me bingung ody then.. arggh.. dont know which one wanna go.. but.. will give my self a try..~ manatau xdpat smbung study.... ada jua pngalaman dih! ko tggu arh raynita justine peter! haha.... DDR! ko mesti ajar sa smpai sa campin!!~ hahaha.... start on monday. i'll be working with her lah bha ini... ngeeeeeee..... hahahaha....
BTW.. mind to view who am raynita justin peter that i was talking about! =='
nmpaknya... sy balik mumy place there again lo... :) will have much time to hanging lo... hehehehe.... or mybe im not goin to waste my time.. goin to have part time job mybe.. lol.. am i really need that money?~ lol.. sometimes i guess no... but sometimes ya... i will!~~ hahahaha...
wanna buy some things... and go for holiday..~ u know... no one gonna sponsor me for holiday.. so will have my own holiday day!~ :P hahahahaha.... wait for me!!~ will explore sabah!~ hihihi....
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 05:15 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Thursday, 16 June 2011
tp yg paling penting!!!!~
SEMALAM SY MO BLOGGING BHA!!~~~ god damn it!~
tp CELCOM BROADBAND kin panas.... error 619.. error 628..==' !!~ INDA FAHAM BHUA!!~ ishhhhhh.....
suda lah semalam!~ kin panas...!~
adakah patut bla~ bla~ bla~ bla~ damn bla~ bla~ bla~! okay.. keep ur mouth shut up!~ ==' malas tul saya.!!
hahahaha~ last2 nite... me happy~ last nite~ suppose to be damn happy~ but in the end!~ i end up feel like shit!~
lets say.. *okay... talking with you make me feel like shit!~ * the things i do totally like piece of shit for you* n so on bla~ bla~ bla~.... * n you know what..? u are annoying* kinda hate you sometimes* why? dont ask why.. mybe u are annoying... or i am born to be annoyed! * okay.. thank you! sekian dan terima kasih ! ==' hohoho..>.< !! wee~
i feel better lepas jalan kaki.. humm.. nda suda sa ksejukan gila babi.. last day.==' smpai pakai sweater lg ooh panas2.... my bro in law pun heran.. demam teruk! now much better.. :) hehhe....
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 20:26 2 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
kalau sa tau~ sa nda online td~ hahaha... tp inda apa lah.... puteri sailoormoon dari mars... mmg nda buli tidur awal.. nnti duunia inda aman tanpa ku... dia bilang lah:P ~~ wee.. hahahahahha..
cute! ~ lol....
*good nite* good nite*
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 07:58 0 comments
Labels: my activities
yg nda best a.k.a yg sa paling malas lah klu ada org dtg ganggu hidup sa.. d mana sa siibukkkkk.. d sana jua dtg mnyibukkn saya lg tambah2..~ lol........ bling2.. bling2.. adakh mo bt email pun mo fikir lama2 untuk nama email.. suda tu lmbat betul pick up!~ aiya.. susah bha sy mo ajar.. suda ajar nda pndai2 jua... klu mo belajar senang bha tu.. ==' aishh.~
ada lg satu....yg satu ni... kmarin dtg2 minta baju.. pastu suda sa kc hutang dia... tiba2 mnta duit!~ aiyooooo......... apa mcm ooh.. xda duit jan jalan lah bha..==' alamak.! suda tu misscal2.. klu inda kena layan pndai ni hntar sms mnta call...==' hahahaha.. lucu betul!~ yg paling kin panas tiba2 pndai hntar mms gmbar dia sama bf dia!~ bida bha! ya ampun! ~~ sa pun bnyak gmbar ==' inda heran jua gmbar ko bha................ ish!~ penat sa melayan karena2 kamu org!~ huuuuuuu``~
hahaha.. cute! wo ye ai ni hubby..<3.. hahahha... love~ love~ so divine! last nite me sick so sleep early bha... dont think lain1...==' n whats wrong with the sms with joey jonathan japyus inside it??? o.O did i received the sms or i was dreaming bout it?? wait a second arhh... i go check..:) brb!! gothca!! na kan ada==' apa tu?? i dont understand.. haha.... mamai2 lg sa.. which post n where i did say about that man arh?? lol.. forget it lah.. ngee~ misunderstood liao.. :( huuuu...
Posted by myoe ckobicby at 07:44 0 comments
Labels: MY DAYS
the BLOG i kacau!~ haha
<<< me!~