Monday 18 April 2011

c TAEEE..!


gary macam taee bha kadang2....mari sy membiarkan diri sy mngumpat dia dulu.. hohoho..(katawa sheeettttttt)

trip2 dulu arh...

muka c gary klu meradang.... probably look like:

gary says.... " you son of a bitch dont look at me or i'll kill you" hahahahahahahaha.........
*dear you really look like this when you stressed?? hahahaha...... and text.. i was "depressed" hahahahahaha......:P (rolling in the floor)

i love walking... and gary kinda 'nervous' being surrounded by unknow people.. probably look like:

* ok this is kinda look scared not nervous.... but... i was thinking bout asking him to do this face.. hahahahahahahaha.....
now wondering how will he look like.. hahahahaha.....

and he is.......:

one in a million poisoneous things.

who~ever and how~ever and what~ever he was....... i love him.... so gila2 bnyak mcm taee yg dia birak... hahahahaha....

ngeeeeeeee...... i was.:

feeling HAPPY and SECURED! hahaha:P

to: melrayner gary stephen john..
:P saja saja mau cari gaduh... hohoho.. JANGAN MARAH2 BHA.... :*
btw... u are idiot.... (then i was c bodoh yg suka c bodoh)
ohyaaa.... muka ko macam taeee....... hahaha..:P

*kidding kiddo.:P


<<< me!~

<<< me!~